بلغ إجمالي عدد عقود الإيجار المُسجلة في شهر مايو نحو 35,327 عقداً، لتستحوذ عقود الإيجار الجديدة على نحو 59.6%، بينما استحوذت عقود الإيجار المُجددة على نحو 40.4%. وتشير البيانات أن الغالبية العظمى من العقود المسجلة عقود سنوية حيث بلغت نسبتها نحو 80.9% من إجمالي العقود، بينما بلغت نسبة العقود غير السنوية نحو %19.1 .أما العقود […]
Author Archives: Candice Olivar
شهد القطاع العقاري في إمارة دبي تسجيل نحو 6,652 معاملة بيع خلال مايو 2022، محققاً معدل نمو بلغ نحو 51.60% بالمقارنة مع الشهر ذاته من العام الماضي، وهي أعلى معدلات للمعاملات العقارية المُسجلة لشهر مايو منذ أكثر من عشرة أعوام وتجاوزت مبايعات شهر مايو من العام الحالي ذروة عدد المبايعات العقارية المحققة بشهر مايو في […]
In May 2022, Dubai’s real estate market registered 6,652 sales transactions, with a significant increase of 51.60 percent compared to May 2021, which recorded the highest performance for May ever recorded in the last 10 years. May 2022 sales transactions overtook the month of May transactions’ peak in 2013 which recorded 5,179, this presents around […]
In May, the total rental contracts reached 35,327 registered leases of which 59.6 percent were new contracts while 40.4 percent were renewed. Annual contracts acquired 80.9 percent of the total contracts while 19.1 percent were non-annual. The registered leases for residential purposes acquired around 73.8 percent of the total contracts, while 25.3 percent were registered […]
In April, the total rental contracts reached 41,810 registered leases of which 60.4 percent were new contracts while 39.6 percent were renewed. The annual contracts acquired 79.5 percent of the total contracts while 20.5 percent were non-annual. Last but not least, the registered leases for residential purposes acquired around 74 percent of the total contracts, […]
In April 2022, Dubai real estate market registered 6,983 sales transactions, with a significant increase of 45.50 percent compared to April 2021, which recording the highest performance for the month of April ever recorded in Dubai real estate sector in the last 10 years. Download Mo’asher
In the third edition of the Dubai Rental Performance Index, we continue to provide insight and transparency into the Dubai rental market. The most notable outcome in the Mo’asher report in Q1 2022 is tracking the highest number of rental contracts ever recorded in a single quarter. When we look at the volume of the […]
After a significant year of growth in Dubai real estate, 2022 has started off just as strong as 2021 with a total of 20,539 sales transactions worth AED 55.51 billion as of March 31st. The secondary market had the largest share of sales transactions with a total of 11,923 sales transactions worth AED 39.39 billion, […]
In its second edition, the Dubai Rental Performance Index continues to give insight and transparency into the Dubai rental market. In February, we saw a total of 43,885 rental contracts of which 59 percent were new leases while 41 percent were renewals. In addition, of the total amount of rental leases, 76 percent were for […]
February 2022 continues the strong, upward trend in all aspects of real estate sales transactions, with 6,357 total sales transactions making it the highest February ever in terms of sales volumes worth AED 16.28M which is a 71 percent increase in volume and 125 percent increase in value year-on-year. In February, 59.6 percent of all […]